Archive for September, 2009
The Jewish Week: "Times Square Teshuvah"
Friday, September 25th, 2009
The flashing lights and crowded streets of Times Square aren’t particularly conducive to introspection. Come Friday that may change.
During the 10-day period from Rosh HaShanah through Yom Kippur, an oversized electronic billboard on the Reuters Building in Times Square will prompt passersby with questions like: “Is there something you wish you had done differently this past year?”; “Describe one thing you’d like to achieve by this time next year?” ; and “What global event most affected you last year, and why?”
Anyone, Jewish or not, can sign up to receive a question a day for 10 days, which can be privately reflected upon and answered anonymously online. Those who submit all 10 responses at will receive an e-mail before the High Holy Days next year reminding them of their hopes, dreams and fears.
The campaign, dubbed 10Q, is the brainchild of British screenwriter and playwright Nicola Behrman and New Yorker editor and novelist Ben Greenman. The two came up with the idea at a conference hosted by REBOOT, a network of young, Jewish creative types. REBOOT provided the seed grant to fund the project.
More here – The Jewish Week: “Times Square Teshuvah”
Tags: 10Q, Article, High Holidays, Jumbotron, New York, NY, Reboot, Reflect, Times Square
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MediaBistro: "10Q: A Mass Online Participatory Soul-Searching Project"
Friday, September 25th, 2009
We got a note from Ben Greenman last week about his latest project, a multmedia celebration keyed to the Jewish high holidays called 10Q: Renew, Reflect, React. Starting with Rosh Hoshanah last Friday, participants will post their answers to a series of ten questions: What’s a significant experience that has affected you over the past year? What’s something you would have done differently? and so on, through to September 28 and Yom Kippur. You can keep your answers to yourself, or share them with the rest of the participants—and in September 2010, they’ll be emailed back to you as a sort of electronic time capsule.
MediaBistro: 10Q: A Mass Online Participatory Soul-Searching Project
Tags: 10Q, Article, High Holidays, Jumbotron, New York, NY, Reboot, Reflect, Times Square
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The SF J Weeekly: "10Q offers reflection online"
Friday, September 25th, 2009
During the Ten Days of Repentance, the period of time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, people often find it difficult to recall progress and regression made throughout the year.
But a free online service can help. Each day, 10Q will send a question to your e-mail inbox along with a link. Click on the link and be taken to a private and personal space where you can answer the question. Each day for 10 days, there will be a new question.
The Web site,, will store participants’ responses in an online “vault,” which will close 72 hours after Yom Kippur. Participants will not be able to access their responses for another year.
On the eve of Rosh Hashanah 2010, participants will receive an e-mail with their answers.
10Q was created by Reboot, a network of young, creative and artistic Jews across North America who want to “reboot” Jewish culture.
The SF J Weeekly: “10Q offers reflection online”
Tags: 10Q, Article, High Holidays, Reboot, Reflect
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BeliefNet: "10Q Tackles Repentance's Biggest Problem"
Friday, September 25th, 2009
It strikes me every year: the biggest problem with repentance is that it’s such an introspective process that there’s no accountability.
While many would point out that the penitent heart is judged by God, and that this is the entire point, we must face the fact that very few of us are expecting God to say, “Hey, remember last year when you promised to stop slandering people? Well, you didn’t.” But if someone were to record our promises to ourselves, flash freeze our repentance for a year, and send it back to us, would we be more or less likely to make promises to God and to ourselves?
10Q, an initiative of Reboot, …aims to help us define the areas where we desire improvement, and will basically remind us in a year of what we’d hoped to achieve.
BeliefNet: “10Q Tackles Repentance’s Biggest Problem”
Tags: 10Q, Article, High Holidays, Reboot, Reflect
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Jewish Daily: "Rosh Hashanah, Times Square Style"
Thursday, September 24th, 2009
On a more introspective note, the PR Newswire electronic billboard in Times Square will be displaying 10 soul-searching questions during the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The 10Q project is the brainchild of British playwright Nicola Behrman and New Yorker writer Ben Greenman, and is an offshoot of REBOOT, an organization that promotes Jewish culture and spirituality. In addition to pondering the questions during their lunch breaks, New Yorkers are invited to submit their answers online, and receive them back via e-mail one year later. Talk about a timely reminder.
The Jewish Daily Forward: Rosh Hashanah, Times Square Style
Tags: 10Q, Article, High Holidays, Jumbotron, New York, NY, Reboot, Reflect, Times Square
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Q4 in Times Square
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Q4 in Times Square on the jumbotron
Tags: 10Q, High Holidays, Jumbotron, New York, NY, Reboot, Reflect, Times Square
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Alef Next: "10Q for 10 days"
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009
We’re currently in the midst of the ten days between the Jewish new year of Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. Like many of you, we at Alef know how easy it can be to slip back into default-mode during the High Holiday lull. Whether it’s work, school, friends, or life in general, it’s really f’ing hard to stay focused on what’s important during these ten days between the two most significant days of the Jewish religious calendar!
Enter Reboot and their latest initiative: 10Q.
Consisting of short, thought-provoking prompts, delivered to your inbox every day, 10Q poses the sort of “big picture” questions befitting this time of year. And, here’s the brilliant part: once you’ve answered the daily question emailed to you, all of your answers are saved for a full year, and emailed back to you during the next high holiday season, so you can see just how things have changed since you jotted down your responses; It’s sort of like a spiritual time capsule.
More here, Alef Next: “10Q for 10 days”
Tags: 10Q, Article, High Holidays, Reboot, Reflect
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New York Times: "Ten Significant Questions for the Days of Awe"
Monday, September 21st, 2009
More great NYT covereage:
The organizers think people should feel free to get as heavy or keep it as light as they like. One of their favorite responses from last year to a question about an importantspiritual experience: “I lost God, and I’ve never been happier.”
More in the New York Times: Ten Significant Questions for the Days of Awe
Tags: 10Q, Article, High Holidays, Jumbotron, New York, NY, Reboot, Reflect, Times Square
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NYT: "Atonement and Reflection in a Digital Era"
Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Atonement is apparently hot these days: Serena Williams apologized on her blog for losing it with a line judge during the semifinals of the United States Open, and Kanye West expressed remorse to a priestlike Jay Leno.
But their examples are not why I asked Mr. Espada the question; I posed it to him because it’s one of 10 thought-provoking questions that Reboot, a Jewish nonprofit organization, is disseminating mostly via a Web site called
Read more of this excellent article, including answers to 10Q questions by several celebs, here – Susan Dominus for the New York Times: Atonement and Reflection in a Digital Era
Tags: 10Q, Article, Facebook, High Holidays, Jumbotron, New York, NY, Reboot, Reflect, Times Square
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Mediaite: "Do You 10Q? Times Square Does, Too!"
Saturday, September 19th, 2009
…participants respond personally to each of the questions at, and at the end of the ten-day question period the answers are sent to a secure, confidential online vault for safekeeping. One year later, participants will receive their answers via email and can be reminded of all those resolutions that they completely forgot about. Organize my closet? Really? Oops.
What’s cool about this…is how unusual a use of Times Square billboard space this is — rarely is such valuable advertising real estate commandeered for open-ended questions geared not for profit or consumption but introspection and self-actualization. It’s a far cry from the usual use of that space — and a far cry from the pace of Times Square, which is as frenetic as the average New Yorker’s life…
Mediaite: Do You 10Q? Times Square Does, Too!
Tags: 10Q, Article, High Holidays, Jumbotron, New York, NY, Reboot, Reflect, Times Square
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